兒童LGG活性益生菌 (60顆口嚼錠)
Culturelle Kids Probiotic (60 Chewable Tablets)
兒童LGG活性益生菌 (60顆口嚼錠)
特價: NT.1350元

商 品 規 格


Culturelle ®


Culturelle ® Culturelle Kids Probiotic



60顆 (口嚼錠)


Directions for Children 3 - 12: Chew one (1) tablet daily to support immune and digestive health. To alleviate occasional digestive distress, chew two (2) tablets per day. If taking two (2) tablets, chew one (1) in the morning and one (1) in the evening. If conditions persist, consult your physician. Culturelle® can be taken with or without food at any time of the day.



When your kids have occasional tummy troubles or when you just want to help keep them healthy, reach for the children's probiotic brand most recommended by Pediatricians.  當您的小孩偶爾遇到肚子不舒服或您需要增強小孩的健康,此產品是最多小兒科醫師推薦。

Each serving of Culturelle Kids Chewables contains 5 billion live active cultures of Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG (LGG®), the most clinically studied probiotic strain.此產品每一顆含50億活性LGG菌-鼠李糖乳桿菌,是目前研究相當廣泛的益生菌之一。

This safe and gentle probiotic chewable supplement can help keep your little ones feeling their best. They&rsquoll love the great taste, and you&rsquoll like that it&rsquos safe and sugar free. 此產品不含糖,是安全、有效、兒童喜歡的口味。


KEEP OUT OF REACH OF CHILDREN. Inform a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement, particularly if there is a known immune-compromised condition.


probiotic 益生菌

其他成分: xylitol, microcrystalline cellulose, natural flavors, stearic acid, beet juice (color), citric acid, malic acid, magnesium stearate.

Keep out of reach of children. Not intended for children under 3 years of age due to risk of choking. Inform a healthcare professional before starting any dietary supplement, particularly if there is a known immune-compromising condition. 由於三歲以下孩童具窒息的風險,本產品不適合3歲以下孩童使用。在開始任何膳食補充劑之前請通知醫療保健專業人員,特別是如果存在已知的免疫受損情況

**產品簡介僅供參考,VitaminC.com.tw 的產品屬於養身保健食品,並未具有療效,若有疾病宜請教醫師。 (This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat,cure or prevent any disease. )

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