關立固 - 素食關節保健 (90顆)
Flex Now ® Joint Formula 100% SheaFlex 70 (90Softgels)
關立固 - 素食關節保健 (90顆)
特價: NT.1490元

商 品 規 格

商品品牌 Flex Now ®
品名 Flex Now ® Joint Formula 100% SheaFlex 70 ™
Size 90顆 (素食膠囊)

Take three (3) FlexNow™ softgels daily with or without food. Please allow 30–60 days for best results. Continue taking FlexNow every day even after your joint health improves joint symptoms may return if discontinued.


Over 30 pharmaceutical-standard clinical trials and studies prove FlexNow® with 100% SheaFlex70™ has a statistically significant and clinically meaningful impact on joint care and management. 超過30次藥學研究顯示,關立固含SheaFlex70™ 對於關節的保健具有明顯的效果。

No side effects, No allergies, No contraindications. In over 30 clinical trials and studies, and across tens of thousands of consumers using the product, FlexNow® with 100% SheaFlex70™ has produced no adverse effects. 此產品純天然,不會引起任何副作用、過敏、和其他藥物產生排斥。

Wild-craft harvested and processed in concert with the UN Development Programme. Shea trees grow wild in West Africa, where most shea nuts are sourced. Local villagers collect ripe shea fruit which has fallen to the ground, process a portion for local use and sell the bulk of the shea nuts (actually the pit of the fruit) to our company, 本產品所使用的主要原料乳油木果栽種於西非,遵循聯合國的栽種程序,少部分乳油木果供原產地居民使用,大部分乳油木果由Flex Now公司收購。

  1. Cartilage: The foundation of a smoothly operating, discomfort-free joint 保健軟骨組織
  2. Bone: Micro-fractures, splints and spurs hurt 預防細微骨裂縫、骨刺疼痛。
  3. Inflammation: The swelling and tenderness prevent your joint from healing 降低關節的發炎。
  4. Joint Pain Relief: Now you can live your best active life 減輕關節的疼痛。


保存方式: 開封後,請保持瓶口緊蓋,放置於冰箱或陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直曬 避免兒童自取

As with any dietary supplement, if pregnant or nursing, consult your physician before using. 懷孕、授乳婦女服用前請先請示醫師。


Supplement Facts : Serving Size: 3 Capsule


Amount Per Serving % Daily Value


Calories from Fat




Total Fat

Saturated Fat

Trans Fat







Cholesterol 0mg 0%
Total Carbohydrate 1g <1% *
Sodium 10g <1%
SheaFlex70™# Shea Nut Extract (pit) (Butyrospermum parkii) #Patent-pending High Triterpene Shea Nut Extract (HTSNE), standardized >70% 2250mg **
**Daily Value not established.    

其他成分:Softgel coating (modified starch, glycerin, carrageenan, sodium phosphate).

Contains: Shea nut derived ingredient (SheaFlex70 is extracted from the pit of the shea fruit). SheaFlex70由乳油木果萃取而來。

Contains no added sugars yeast soy wheat (gluten-free) corn animal products, byproducts, or derivatives fish or milk and no artificial colors or preservatives. 本產品不含糖類、酵母、大豆、麥類、玉米、魚、牛奶、色素、防腐劑,不含任何動物性成分。



產品簡介僅供參考,VitaminC.com.tw 的產品屬於養身保健食品,並未具有療效,若有疾病宜請教醫師。 (This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. )


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