Excedrin 加強錠 100顆
Excedrin Extra Strength (100Tablets)
Excedrin 加強錠 100顆
特價: NT.510元

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Novartis Consumer Health ®


Excedrin ® Extra StrengthExcedrin止痛錠)




請依照指示劑量服用,切勿服用過量。 請配合一整杯開水吞服。
成人或12歲以上兒童,每6個小時服用2顆 24小時以內請勿服用超過8顆!


Extra Strength Excedrin is a combination pain reliever that contains acetaminophen, aspirin and caffeine. Excedirin加強錠是一種綜合止痛藥,其中含 acetaminophen(普拿疼主要成分)、阿斯匹靈以及咖啡因。

Doctors call the enhanced pain relieving effect provided by products that contain caffeine in combination with acetaminophen and aspirin "caffeine adjuvancy". And doctors believe that these non-preion combination pain-relief products offer major advantages for headache sufferers. Interestingly, caffeine is also an ingredient in many of the most frequently used preion headache medications.


開封後,請保存於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直曬 避免兒童自取!

Reye's syndrome: Children and teenagers who have or are recovering from chicken pox or flu-like symptoms should not use this product. When using this product, if changes in behavior with nausea and vomiting occur, consult a doctor because these symptoms could be an early sign of Reye's syndrome, a rare but serious illness.雷氏症:兒童或青少年在水痘恢復前後以及發現有類似感冒症狀前後盡量避免使用本產品。如果使用本產品後產生頭暈嘔吐的症狀,請立即停用必請教醫師。頭暈嘔吐症狀有可能是少見但嚴重的早期雷氏症症狀。
Allergy alert: Aspirin may cause a severe allergic reaction, which may include:
‧ hives ‧ facial swelling ‧ asthma (wheezing) ‧ shock 阿斯匹靈可能引發以下過敏症狀: 蕁麻疹、臉部腫脹、氣喘、休克。
Alcohol warning: If you consume 3 or more alcoholic drinks every day, ask your doctor whether you should take acetaminophen and aspirin or other pain relievers/fever reducers. Acetaminophen and aspirin may cause liver damage and stomach bleeding. 如果您每日飲用三杯以上酒精飲料,Acetaminophen與阿斯匹靈可能會造成肝臟的損壞以及胃部出血。
Caffeine warning: The recommended dose of this product contains about as much caffeine as a cup of coffee. Limit the use of caffeine-containing medications, foods, or beverages while taking this product because too much caffeine may cause nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness, and, occasionally, rapid heartbeat.

Do not use (請勿使用本產品,如果:)
‧ if you have ever had an allergic reaction to any other pain reliever/fever reducer. 您對於其他止痛、退燒產品會有過敏的現象。
‧ with any other products containing acetaminophen. Taking more than directed may cause liver damage. 對於普拿疼過敏。服用過量可能會造成肝功能受損。

Ask a doctor before use if you have (如果您有以下症狀,使用前請先請教醫師:)
‧ asthma (氣喘)‧ ulcers (胃潰瘍)‧ bleeding problems (凝血困難)
‧ stomach problems such as heartburn, upset stomach, or stomach pain that do not go away or return.

Drug Facts  
Purposes (作用)
Acetaminophen 250 mg Pain reliever 止痛
Aspirin 250 mg 阿斯匹靈 Pain reliever止痛
Caffeine 65 mg 咖啡因 Pain reliever aid 援助止痛
**Daily Value not established.

其他成分:benzoic acid, carnauba wax, FD&C blue #1*, hyproxypropylcellulose, hypromellose, microcrystalline cellulose, mineral oil, polysorbate 20, povidone, propylene glycol, simethicone emulsion, sorbitan monolaurate, stearic acid, titanium dioxide*
*may contain these ingredients

†產品簡介僅供參考,VitaminC.com.tw 的產品屬於養身保健食品,並未具有療效,若有疾病宜請教醫師。 (This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. )

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